Rabu, 12 September 2018

              SECURIX - A TOKEN DRIVEN                               MINING COMPANY

Mining is the process of adding records to general accounting transactions, Bitcoin or crypto from previous transactions and mining rigs is a daily metaphor for a single computer system that performs calculations. Mathematics needed for mining. Large past transaction books are called chain strings like block strings. The blockchain serves to confirm transactions for all network buttons to occur. Bitcoin blockchain deals with Bitcoin or crypto distinguishes the legitimate attempt to re-retrieve coins used elsewhere.
Exploitation is deliberately designed for many resources and difficulties where the number of blocks that are encountered every day by miners remains stable. The private block must contain proof of work considered valid. This work proof is accurate. Received by Bitcoin or other crypto nodes every time they receive a block, Bitcoin uses the proof-of-weak Hashcash function to exploit work. The aim is to regulate the history of transactions in a way that calculates the reality must be modified by an entity. By downloading and verifying blockchain, or Crypto Bitcoin nodes can reach consensus on the order event in Bitcoin.
Securix is ​​a solution for utilizing cryptocurrency based in the Netherlands, which has products that are ready to operate, energy-aware energy programs and SRXIO cards that are supported by innovative assets Securix offers increased value added. and a different product from exploiting cloud operations, providing investors with passive monthly revenue results from their mining operations while protecting the token keeper from variables. pricehttps://securix.io/

Features of SECURIX

Users of the platform will be able to receive monthly passive income, regardless of the situation on the crypto currency market. Here are the main features of the project:
EAN 2 EAN - a system that allows you to steadily extract tokens inside the platform.
There is no production contract, shelf life - cooperation is really simple and profitable for all.
Revenues from gross income.
No problems with cloud services and frequent losses of cryptocurrency.
Value of the token is supported by tangible assets.
Excellent choice of the country for the location of capacities for the production of cryptocurrency
The Netherlands / Holland are well known for their consensus models in politics and economics. Their choice for placing mines is based on several factors - strategic location, security and scalability.

Experienced professionals living in the Netherlands

To ensure the success of their ambitious business goals, Securix the management and employees of the company live and work in the same country where the capacity will be installed: the Netherlands. 

Decentralized energy purchase
The EAN-EAN platform is a decentralized platform with fewer parties involved. No intermediaries and additional temporary, financial costs.

Monthly investment strategy
Our monthly reinvestment strategy will increase the value and volume of the token issue. Thanks to the efforts of developers and thoughtful strategy, everyone can expect to receive a regular passive profit.

Tangible assets determine the value of tokens
The cost of tokens depends directly on the number of installed equipment and the quality of its functioning. The token can be purchased for only $1. Up to 0.85 USD is used to purchase equipment for mining equipment and electrical engineering. This means that our token is supported by the acquired assets and has a real market value of 0.85 US dollar
Problems and existing Solutions
Do not follow the roadmap
Securix Most ICO does not have a real product at the start of selling tokens. They can change their vision and strategies. Securix has a real product and we need to maintain our hardware for our token holders to maximize performance. So, following the roadmap is crucial for Securix, as the interest of the founders is the same as that of everyone else! They are also token holders and want to receive a stable income from mining cryptocurrency using the company's internal capacity.

No clear future vision
Mining cryptocurrency-really promising, rapidly developing segment, which today attracts a huge number of people

Hidden cost structure
It is unclear what these costs are because they are not disclosed. Our approach is unique. We have a gross income! No hidden costs, all risks, and costs are immediately negotiated with customers. This approach allows us to act in a very honest and transparent manner, excluding fraud.

No communication after ICO
Many companies that are going to use fraudulent schemes immediately lose contact with customers after the sale of tokens. We are constantly making the latest news for our clients.
What has already been done?
The initial investment in the project was 250,000 USD;
Signed agreement on the location of equipment;
A signed deal to upgrade the electricity of 7 MW;
The website is active, everyone can get acquainted with the official information about the project.

30%Aug 04 - Sep 06SRXIO 5000000
20%Sep 07 - Sep 19SRXIO 5000000
15%Sep 20 - Sep 30SRXIO 5000000
10%Oct 01 - Oct 07SRXIO 5000000
7.5%Oct 08 - Oct 15SRXIO 5000000
5%Oct 16 - Oct 23SRXIO 6500000
0%Oct 24 - Oct 31SRXIO 6400000

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